Dschool Spotlight Debrief with Louka Parry

Louka reflects on the last season the "d.school Spotlight" that featured 10 insightful authors affiliated with the Hasso Platner Institute of Design at Stanford. Please revisit any these season 6 episodes that pique your interest:

‘My Favorite Failure’ with Laura McBain & Ron BeGhetto
Spotify - Apple

‘Navigating Ambiguity’ with Kelly Schmutte
Spotify - Apple

‘The Secret Language of Maps’ with Carissa Carter
Spotify - Apple

‘Drawing on Courage’ with Ashish Goel
Spotify - Apple

‘Design for Belonging’ with Susie Wise
Spotify - Apple

‘Changing the Conversation about School Safety’ with Barry Svigals
Spotify - Apple

Futures Meets Design with Lisa Kay Solomon
Spotify - Apple

'This is a Prototype' with Scott Witthoft
Spotify - Apple

'You Need A Manifesto' with Charlotte Burgess-Auburn
Spotify - Apple

'Creative Hustle' with Sam Seidel
Spotify - Apple

Given the wrap up of season 6; season 7 of the podcast “Education Transformed” is announced which features change makers in education beginning with Dr Anantha Duraiappah.

Transcription upon request - e-mail hello@thelearningfuture.com


Season 7: Education Transformed


Creative Hustle with Sam Seidel - Stanford d.school Spotlight