Season 3: Episode 13 - The Power of Us with David Price

Do our younger generations have faith in the current quality of representative democracies? Are there changes that we can take advantage on to re-power our social systems, what really matters?

In this episode; David Price shares vast insight about the concerns and specific examples of the ingenuity of our future leaders and innovators.

David Price, OBE, is an expert in organisational learning for a complex future. He writes, talks, trains and advises, around the world, on some of the biggest challenges facing business, education and society: solving the problems of employee, student and civic disengagement; maximising our potential to be creative, innovative and fulfilled citizens, and understanding the global shift towards open organisations, and systems of learning.

His first book, "OPEN: How We'll Work, Live and Learn In The Future" has been an Amazon best-seller since its publication, securing around 40,000 sold copies. Goodreads readers voted it the most influential book on education in 2016.

His new book is The Power Of Us: How We Connect, Act And Innovate. The three years of research/writing involved interviews with leaders of organisations in the UK, USA, Cambodia, Australia and Malaysia.

In 2009 he was awarded the O.B.E. By Her Majesty the Queen, for services to education.


Season 3: Episode 14 - Transforming the Factory-Model of Learning


Season 3: Episode 12 - The 22nd Century City with Jacksón Smith